Are you new to Permitting?

You may have been told by a colleague, associate, or a government agency that you need an air permit, if so, here is some basic information that you might find useful pertaining to air permits in Texas. This information is also be located on the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ) website: or you can send us an email if you would like additional information.

De minimis air emissions are considered to be insignificant or negligible.
For facilities or sources that are de minimis, registration or authorization prior to construction is not required. Search for the latest version of the de minimis list on the TCEQ website.
Permits by Rule (PBRs) allow companies to register sources by following a specific set of rules. Generally PBRs have fewer requirements but lower emission limits than other options (below). TCEQ provides easy to use checklists for some PBRs to assist with Registration.
Permits by
Standard Permits are for very specific classes of facilities and may have more detailed requirements than PBRs, though emission limits may be higher.
There are Standard Permits for construction materials, electric generation units, oil & gas facilities, agricultural facilities, as well as several others.
New Source Review (NSR) Case-by-Case permits allow companies to work with TCEQ to develop a site specific permit.
These permits may require public notice and air dispersion modeling depending on the nature of the site.
NSR Case-by-Case